Thank you to everyone who tuned in and voted this evening, from around the Five Valleys, the UK and the world. We’re very touched that so many people have taken the contest into their hearts and shared our goal of promoting honest-to-goodness grass-roots music.
Katavia said “I’ve been doing music my whole life. It’s is my passion and it’s what I want to do in the future”.
We wish you well with your musical career, Katavia. We think you’ll go far and we look forward to hearing more from you!
Well done also to Cat Mead who took second place with her very popular song Jekyl and Hyde, and to The Peekies who chalked up third place with the anthemic Westward Ho.
Special thanks to Robin Layfield for his brilliant song introductions and to our awesome judges. The contest just wouldn’t have worked without all their efforts.
Massive thanks to everyone who entered the contest and shared their beautiful songs with us. We have so many favourites. Please keep playing and sharing your music. You are very talented people!