
  • We accept all genres from professionals and amateurs, adults and children.
  • We welcome songs on all topics but please be nice! We reserve the right to reject entries which may cause offence. This is an inclusive contest and entries should be appropriate for listeners of all ages and backgrounds.
  • We will add a warning against your song if it contains strong language, and we may censor it on some occasions.
  • Just one entry per act please. It’s okay if two acts have a member in common.
  • The song or songwriter or performer must have a connection to Stroud, UK. Please tell us what that connection is!
  • The song must be original, your own work, and not previously entered in Stroud Song Contest.
  • By submitting your song, you give us permission to allow people to listen to it on this website. You can request removal of your song from the website (and the contest) at any time.
  • Be prepared to perform live if your song reaches the Grand Final!

This year’s dates

Here are the relevant dates to look out for:

Entries open: Saturday 15 June 2024
Entries close: Wednesday 31 July 2024, 11:59 pm
Voting opens: Thursday 1 August 2024, 11:00 am
Voting closes: Friday 16 August 2024
Adult finalists announced: Saturday 17 August 2024
Junior Final: Saturday 22 August 2024 (online)
Grand Final: Saturday 31 August 2024


Q: Does my song have to be about Stroud?
A: No

Q: Can I enter after the closing date?
A: No, sorry! But we host the competition yearly so there will be another chance if you miss this year. Join our mailing list and follow us on Facebook to be reminded.

Q: Is there a cash prize?
A: We don’t offer a cash prize for two reasons. Firstly, our budget is small; and secondly, we feel it would work against our efforts to laud creativity and keep a level playing field. We want bedroom crooners to be able to compete with professional musicians without things getting too serious.