We would like to wish huge congratulations to the winner of Stroud Song Contest 2024, Jake Shaw, who wowed the audience last night with his infectiously danceable song, Make it Right.
What a fun night!
Thank you to everyone who came along. And thank you in particular to all of the brilliant performers for playing us their songs:
Ellis Watson – Raw Emotion
Floyd May – Bike
Careful Spider – See Me Now
Rain – AMEN
Vegetarians & Carnivores – Explorer
Brian Wilcox – Consequences
Mike McSweeney & Sharon Baker – Father
Layman – Rad Attitude
Jake Shaw – Make it Right
Griz-O – The Woodz
Bro – GL5
You were amazing!
Thank you to the fabulous Mr. Marko’s Outer Space Emporium for rocking our socks off during the voting and counting. Thank you to the wonderful team at Lansdown Hall for making everything run like clockwork and thank you to our glamorous presenter Uta Baldauf for holding everything together with her charming stage presence ❤️
Thank you to all the entrants for their brilliant songs, the voters, the judges, the audience and everyone who got involved, felt engaged and made the contest special as always.
And once again, well done to our champion, Jake Shaw!!